
Bobbidi Boom (2017)

Rank: 16109
3-5 Players
20-30 Min
Age: 8+
Complexity: 1.50/5

Every year, witches from all over the world attend the ancient ritual. Gathered around the only cauldron, they add weird ingredients to the smoking mixture to brew mighty potions. But be careful! One ingredient too many, and the cauldron will explode!

In Bobbidi Boom, players start with a deck of ordinary ingredients, and on their turn they can choose to either reveal the top card of their deck or pass: If you pass, you exit from the round taking low risks and thus low rewards; if you reveal a card, you stay in play...unless you revealed the third ingredient of the same kind on the table! In this case, the cauldron explodes and you are out of the round. The remaining players keep playing — revealing ingredients or passing — until all players but one are gone. At the end of the round, starting from the last man standing, each player adds a new card to their deck, with the players who made the cauldron explode taking the worst cards available.

Cards gained during rounds represent special Ingredients with both a point value and a special effect that will spice things up. At the end of the game, player count their points and the witch with the most points wins!

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