
Piraten-Abenteuer (1991)

Rank: 12697
2-4 Players
20 Min
Age: 4+
Complexity: 1.33/5

In Piraten-Abenteuer – previously published as Corsaro – players have been forced to take refuge near Adventure Island, and now they must work together to move all their boats to safety while trying to avoid the pirates who patrol the nearby waters. If a boat is captured by the pirates, the players have a chance to rescue the prisoners... at the cost of valuable time and supplies.

This cooperative game is played on a board which shows the route from Adventure Island back to the player's home town. Each player starts with a boat on Adventure Island, and two pirate ships are placed along the route. The game is played in turns. Each turn, a player rolls two dice, then choses one die to use for his own boat and one die to use for one of the pirate ships. Both are moved as many places forward as the selected die shows. At certain points, the player can have his ship take a hidden route, which is not used by the pirate ships.

If a pirate ship passes a boat, or if a boat passes a pirate ship, the boat is captured and placed on Pirates' Island. Other boats can free it if they manage to land on one of the rescue spaces on the track; the rescued boat is then returned to that same space.

When all boats have reached the home town, the players have won the game. However, if some ships are captured while all other ships have reached the home town, the players lose.

The difficulty level can be increased by giving each player two or three boats instead of one. The greatest challenge is the Grand Adventure, in which each player has three boats, there is a third pirate ship, and each player may hide on the hidden routes at most five turns during the game.

The 2011 AMIGO edition is part of its "Ökologisch + Kooperativ" (Ecological & Cooperative) line of games.

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