
KINMO (2015)

Rank: 7231
2-10 Players
5-25 Min
Age: 10+
Complexity: 1.17/5

Legend says: The one who brings back the 4 stones of the King KINMO's crown will be elected as the new leader of the Order of the Jungle.

KINMO is a fast and easy to play game, in which you try to form groups of action cards and collect stones of different colors. This is accomplished by taking cards from a single deck, and everyone must choose how many cards to discard in order to take news cards. Also, you can pick up stones, deal damage to your opponents or cure yourself.

La leyenda dice que aquel que recupere las 4 piedras de la corona del Rey KINMO será erguido como el nuevo líder de la Orden Selvática.

—description from the publisher

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