
NE-spelet (1999)

Rank: 19105
1-6 Players
30-180 Min
Age: 14+
Complexity: 2.00/5

NE-spelet (`the NE game´) is a Swedish trivia game published by Nationalencyklopedin (the Swedish National Encyclopedia). Plays a lot like Trivial Pursuit but with some differences. Players move on the board and answer questions in ten different topics. On the board are ten `topic rooms´ where players receive a plastic `book´ if they answer the question correctly. The winner is the first player to collect all ten books and return to the spot in the middle of the board.

To spice things up a little players may use cards. These come in three types: One gives you a clue for your current question, one lets you steal a book from another player, and the third kind lets you choose which book to get when you answer correctly in a topic room. Thus, if you know that History is not for you, than you may win two books in the Biology room and exchange one of them for a History book.

The game comes with 8,000 questions on 800 cards.

This game is related to Det store norske spillet.

Reimplemented as Kunskapsjakten.

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