

Rank: --
2-4 Players
30 Min
Age: 8+
Complexity: 1.00/5

Designer: Corné van Moorsel

Artist: Brian Kolodziejski

Publisher: SimplyFun

Add a colored tile each turn, trying to join the largest connected areas to maximize your score. Connect with all three colors for the most points. This game teaches pattern recognition and problem solving. With hundreds of combinations, there are infinite strategies to win!

Each turn, you connect one of your Game Tiles side to side to 1 or more Game Tiles in the middle of the table. The colors of the just-placed tile must match all adjacent tiles. Also, the corners of the Game Tiles must line up completely; that is to say that tiles may not overhang and the corners must match too.

Receive points for each game tile in the color chain that your tile connects to, but not including the tile you are adding.

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