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"name" => "(Uncredited)"
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"objectid" => "1002"
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"name" => "Game: Battleship"
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"name" => "Promotional: Promo Board Games"
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"name" => "Hand Management"
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"description" => """
<p><em>From the back of the box:</em><br />\n
Attack & defend to sink the enemy fleet!</p>\n
<p>Find and sink your opponent's ships before they sink yours. Use shields to protect your fleet and special Power cards to improve your strategy.</p>\n
<hr />\n
<p>This is the "lite" version of the game <strong><a href="/boardgame/120580/battleship-card-game" >Battleship: Card Game</a></strong> distributed by Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC consisting of 50 cards for 2 players including the promotional and instruction cards.</p>\n
<p>Cards are played in a 3 x 3 grid rather than a 3 x 4 grid, and players have 3 destruction cards rather than 5.</p>\n
<p>Each player shuffles and places their Coordinate cards face down in a grid. They then draw cards from their Destruction Card deck. Players take turns playing one card. The first player to eliminate all of their opponent's ships wins!</p>\n
"feature_image" => "card-game/battleship-2014/battleship-2014-feature-image.jpg"
"isNotRanked" => 1
"is_manual_crawler" => true
"max_players" => 2
"max_playtime" => 15
"min_age" => 7
"min_players" => 2
"min_playtime" => 15
"name" => "Battleship"
"name_search" => "Bat Batt Battl Battle Battles Battlesh Battleshi Battleship"
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"rating_detail" => array:3 [
"avg_rating" => 5.33285
"no_of_rating" => 194
"std_deviation" => 1.49508
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🧨 Dump, Die, Debug