
Black Stories: Leichen, Pech & Pannen Edition (2022)

Players try to reconstruct mysterious crimes by asking and guessing.

Rank: --
2-99 Players
2-222 Min
Age: 12+
Complexity: --

Deadly football goals, human stew in the Jacuzzi, exotic delicacies that bite back without further ado: incomprehensible accidents, catastrophic coincidences and dramatic passing ...
The Grim Reaper is never at a loss for ideas when it comes to decimating his flock. And reality still invents the darkest stories!

How to play:
The card set contains 50 tricky, pitch-black puzzle cards for teens and adults to solve by asking clever questions. Cracking black stories together with friends is the most fun. One player, the bidder, takes a card from the deck, reads the short story written on the front of the card. On the back of the card, the master finds the answer, which he of course keeps to himself. Now the guessing people have to "ask" themselves the solution to the story. The questions should be formulated in such a way that the master can answer "yes" or "no". A spooky and fun guessing game for small and large groups - can also be played digitally.

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