Play the entire battle of Brandywine in under two hours.
Designer: Bill Molyneaux, Peter Schutze
Artist: José Ramón Faura
Publisher: Fastplay Wargames, Superior Print On Demand (POD)
The Battle of Brandywine is a two player Tactical level wargame about the American Revolutionary War battle, designed to be a low complexity game but also offers enough optional rules to give the game more complexity for the die-hard wargamer.
The game sets up quickly with both sides commanding roughly 30 units each and several leaders per side, you can set up the game and finish the battle in under two hours.
The unique aspect of the game is the turn sequence and the ability to resolve combat without a combat results chart. All combat is resolved by rolling a D6 per unit. Units that move first receive fire first.
The game includes several scenarios and optional rules and advanced rules.