
Banana Katana (2021)

Defeat monsters with wacky malfunctioning inventions!

Rank: --
3-6 Players
20-40 Min
Age: 12+
Complexity: --

Designer: Duncan Jones

Publisher: (Self-Published)

Banana Katana is a fun party improv card game where players take it in turns to control a monster and the other players have to combine cards to create an invention which will defeat it!

First a monster card is drawn by the monster player, then the other players take it in turns to explain how they would defeat it with their invention!

There are 3 different invention cards that the players much combine one of each to create their invention:

  1. The base of the invention e.g car, sofa, washing machine etc.
  2. the power source of the invention e.g pulled by seagulls, steam powered etc.
  3. the weapons on the invention e.g laser beam, spear, overcharged leaf blower etc

Before each player shows their invention they must also draw a malfunction card which adds a random element to their invention for them to explain!

Once each player has explained their invention the monster decides who’s invention would be the most likely to defeat it!

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