Ascent The Game of Rocketry is a competitive card game that sets two to four players into the world of rocket building. The game takes heavy inspiration from the Space Race and every rocket, card and patch is steeped with history.
Players take turns testing one of their systems, while the other players try to play Fail cards to damage the system and can keep it from passing. Players, however, can repair their own systems mid-test by playing OK cards, based on Mission Control Officers and Engineers. The first player to have all 4 of his or her systems survive testing, completes a rocket, earns a Mission Patch and ends the round.
Players can collect Mission Patches along the way for various in-game achievements (including completing a Rocket) and the player with the most patches at the end of 3 rounds wins the game! Mission Patches are used as a scoring mechanism as well as granting special rules to the players that hold them, creating a dynamic system that adds an ever-shifting asymmetrical gameplay landscape, keeping players on their toes and deepening the strategy further.