Learn the basic rules of logical thinking with this betting game.
A game that trains logical thinking. The game can be played as a betting game on the truth of implications or just to be the first to find if an implication is correct or not.
A statement and an implication is selected:
When Betty is reading a book she does not want to be disturbed.
Betty does not read a book. Therefore she can be disturbed.
With the game material (logical matrix) you can prove that this implication is not correct: ((p --> -q) and -p) --> q
If the implication is revised in the following way, the implication is true ((p --> -q) and q) --> -p:
When Betty is reading a book she does not want to be disturbed.
Betty can be disturbed. Therefore she is not reading a book.
This is a game for true mathematical nerds!
From the box:
ALSO makes youALSO-players know the rules of precise thinking.