
Alpen Roulette (1965)

Rank: 20622
1-10 Players
5 Min
Age: 5+
Complexity: 1.00/5

From the box:

"Place 6 balls (the 4 white, 1 red and 1 green) into the centre of the platter and set the top to them. When the spinning top hits the balls it will drive them outwards into the small numbered pits.
To count the score add up the numbers pertaining to the pits into which balls have dropped; double the amount indicated by the red ball, but subtract that scored by the green ball. Balls which have fallen out of the platter should not be put back.
A player scoring with all six balls can have another go.
The winner is he who first reaches the total agreed before the game, which is generally put at 1000.
The players can also stipulate that the score reached by the white and green balls is valid only if the red ball has also scored."

It comes with a nice wooden spin area that is somewhat bowl shaped, a nice wooden top with a square just above the tip to hit the balls, and 6 little wooden balls.

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