
Allmer Nectar (2021)

Swarm out with your bee colony to get all the nectar.

Rank: --
3-6 Players
10-25 Min
Age: 6+
Complexity: --

Designer: Simon Allmer

Artist: Simon Allmer

Publisher: Allmer Games

The goal of Nectar is to have at least ten nectar points in your own honeycomb. To achieve this, the bees have to collect nectar tiles and turn them into their honeycomb without being attacked by hostile bee colonies.

The player whose turn it is has to role the dice.
The dice number indicates which nectar tiles are placed on the board.

If a bee stands on a nectar field, it covers it and prevents the formation of new nectar plates there.
After putting the cards on the board, the swarming begins.

Each player can move all three bees one space forward. If a bee lands on a nectar tile, it carries it under the game piece. In this state it is vulnerable to enemies.

If an enemy bee moves onto the field of the transport bee, it takes over the load and returns the stung bee on one of its three honeycomb fields.

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