Artist: (Uncredited)
Publisher: Ages, Glittenberg, Homas Spelen, Soccerette Ltd, VEB Eisenbahn-Modellbau Zwickau
Goal: Be the first scoring 3 (10) times (soccer) - 2 players (or 2 teams)
Content: park (optional), 2 goals, 2 x 3 pieces, 1 ball, 2 x 2 sticks with integrated magnet
1. Draw starter by lot
2. Place your 3 pieces on the board (only one in the area of the goal)
3. Try to move your (magnetic) pieces with your stick - beneath the table - hitting the ball into
proper direction; this happens simultaniously
4. Move the ball into opponent's goal
(avoid any circumstances like damage, physical injury, stiff muscles...)