Would you rather have the head of a baby or only ever travel at 1mph regardless of the method of transport? And would the former still let you talk as an adult, and if the latter were true, what would happen if you grabbed onto a fast moving car? This game is about creating and fine tuning the most difficult choices in order to split your friends right down the middle!
All players start with a hand of five cards, each with a different scenario on, and during a round each player gets the chance to be the 'chooser', picking two cards to present to the others as a choice. All the other players must then ask at least one question to define the rules of each choice, with the goal of the chooser being to answer them in such a way to make them even more difficult to choose between. When a player has made up their mind, they take a 'decision card' and can no longer contribute to the discussion, and when all decision cards are gone, an immediate vote takes place. If the players split their votes as evenly as possible, the chooser wins!
This is as much a discussion mechanic as it is a game, focusing as much on creativity, humour and considering the implications of each situation as it does on winning!
—description from the designer