1億6千万円ぐらいの借金をかかえた不幸そうな女顔の執事を、ひきこもりぎみのチビなお嬢様や、完璧超人の生徒会長やら、年上の優秀なメイドさん、ハムスターなオーラーの普通の女子高生たちで奪い合うゲーム。女装もあるよ ("A game where an enclosed short young lady, a perfect class representative, a slightly elder classy maid, a normal high school girl with the aura of a hamster, among others, try to win an unlucky-looking girl-faced butler with a debt of about 160 million yen. There's cross-dressing, too") is a simple "pull the joker" style card game.
A card deck consisting of some seven or eight different types of cards. There is an even number of cards except for the "butler" card. All cards are dealt, and players take turns drawing one card at random from the previous player. If any pair is formed, it's discarded and the special effect of that card (if any) happens. If a player runs out of cards, he's out. The player with the last "butler" card left in hand wins.
—user summary
Note: The title is actually a bit longer than the BGG entry allows. It should end with "debt of about 160 million yen. There's crossdressing, too" but it is of minor importance.