Basically regiment to brigade level fast, simple game of the April-June 1940 campaign in Norway. 7 10-day turns. Area movement. Has Norway Unprepared and Nazi Treachery/Surprise rules, as well as variants cancelling one or both of those, to show the difference (unhistorical) preparedness and alertness could have made. (My 7 yr old Norwegian-American daughter took a look at all the historically initially upside-down/Disrupted/un-mobilized Norwegian units and opined that they were "sleeping.")
Basic game - naval warships/units abstracted - is chess-like. The Advanced game - including naval units, although non-Norwegian naval forces are still somewhat abstracted - is still relatively simple, but takes about twice as long.
I am very proud of my pixel-by-pixel ship, aircraft, and tank unit icons, especially the little Norwegian Army Air Service Gloster Gladiator with insignia.
The game was designed with the research assistance of a librarian in the excellent Defence Museum in Akershus Festing/Fortress, Norway's Pentagon.
Lots of possible event outcomes make the game enjoyable for solitaire play as well.
Very simple combat mechanics, including an innovative ground combat system.
Has map also divided into 3 sections to enable magnum-sized copy of game.
—description from the publisher