
6-Tage Rennen (1986)

Rank: 6005
3-8 Players
60 Min
Age: 8+
Complexity: 1.76/5

Designer: Walter Toncar

Publisher: Holtmann VIP

A bicycle race game. On their turn, a player can play any card in their hand and move their rider forward the corresponding number of spaces. If they land on a unoccupied space, their move ends there. If they land on a space occupied by one other rider, they double their move. If they lands on a space occupied by two other riders, they triple their move. And so on.

Example: A player plays a 3 card and lands on a space occupied by three other riders. He moves nine more spaces for a total move of twelve spaces.

The object of the game is to cross the finish line first.

Not to be confused with Internationales 6 Tage Rennen.

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