Six Days of War: The 1967 Arab-Israeli Conflict: May-June, 1967, depicts the conflict between Israel and the United Arab Republic. Players first conduct a series of card plays that determine both sides' war footing and diplomatic standing before the outbreak of hostilities.
Using the same design and scale as Paul Rohrbaugh's earlier game Operation Kadesh: The 1956 Arab-Israeli Conflict. Three maps are used to represent the 1967 Arab-Israeli war in the Golan Heights, the West Bank and the Sinai Peninsula. The events are simulated through Player cards that represent events that occurred or could have occurred prior to the war. Players can win in a number of ways in this challenging conflict simulation by Paul Rohrbaugh.
Game Scale:
Game Turn: 1 day
Hex: 10 miles / 16 kilometers
Units: Battalion to Brigade
Game Inventory:
Two 8.5x11" full color maps
One 11x17" full color map
Two single-side printed un-mounted countersheet (288 1/2" counters)(mounted counters are optional)
One 13-page rulebook
Five Player Aid Charts
Eight pages of 64 Event Cards
Player Provided: One 10-sided die
Solitaire Playability: Medium
Complexity Level: Low
Players: 2 or more
Playing Time: 1.5 to 2 hours