Designer: (Uncredited)
Publisher: F.X. Schmid
"5 Minuten Denk mal" (maybe "5 minutes of thinking") is a traditional german paper & pencil game that might be called "categories game" in the US. This one is a special variation with 85 double sided small cards giving 170 possible categories. It can be played by 8 players or 8 teams.
In each of the 6 rounds played 6 cards where used giving 6 new categories. Also one small card will used giving the first letter for each category. Players have to find clues on each category starting with the drawn letter while the sandtimer is running for 5 minutes. There are categories like "capital city", "island", "cartoon character", "color", "or "insect". If a player could make a clue for each category he is allowed to stop the actual round and all other players have to stop writing too.
Each of the 6 rounds will be scored seperately. Players will get a higher score for each answer if they have found a unique clue (10 points), if two players have the same answer there will be only 2 points, only 1 point if there are more than 2 players with the same clue.The game belongs to a series of (at least) 6 games called "Fröhliche Freizeit" - packed in small but beautiful bookcase boxes similar to the wellknown 3M card games.
Game components
85 small double sided category ards
27 letter cards
8 joker cards
1 5 minute sand timer
1 scorepad
1 rules sheet
"5 Minuten Denkmal" lehnt sich in seinem Reglement an das klassische "Stadt-Land-Fluß"-Spiel an. Es reicht jedoch in den behandelten Wissensgebieten weit über dieses hinaus.
In 5 Minuten Denkmal, dem modernen Stadt-, Land-, Fluß-Spiel ohne Grenzen, hat jeder Spieler oder jedes Spielerteam in dem 6 Runden umfassenden Spielablauf die Möglichkeit, einmal in einer Runde den Joker zu setzen und so seine Punktezahl für die betreffende Runde zu verdoppeln.
Kleines Buchkasetten Spiel aus der Serie "Fröhliche Freizeit" die aus mindestens 6 Spielen besteht.