
3quence (1999)

Rank: --
2-4 Players
45 Min
Age: 11+
Complexity: 2.00/5

Designer: Timothy S. Shafer

Publisher: Sarasota Games

3quence is a quaint word based puzzle solving game. Players use a cluefinder (gadget) that holds puzzle cards. The cluefinder has sliding windows that hide and reveal clues printed on the puzzle cards. Players try to guess the answer words based on the clues available. Several types of clues are available and you are allowed to reveal them in any order you wish.

The game feels very similar to scattegories and tribond with a "family feud boardgame" feel to the cluefinder.

The box tag line:
" A word game.
A knowledge game.
A thinking game. "

Sample puzzle:
Category sample 3quence
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States of the USA Florida, Georgia, Hawaii
mammals lemur, lion, llama
familiar words point, poise, poison

clues might include: for mammals - animals that start with l, or for familiar words - words that start with poi

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