Designer: Scott A. Mednick, A. Robert Moog
Publisher: Pressman Toy Corp., University Games
Rules of Play
1. The youngest player goes first, by selecting a card and saying, “I am a ______(Person, Place, Thing or Year)” as shown at the top of the card. This player becomes that Person, Place, Thing or Year for this round, and is known as the Reader. Readers should not show their cards to any other player.
6. At any time, players may request that the Reader read all the clues already chosen.
Each 20 Questions card has a value of 20 points. All 20 points are divided between the Reader and the player who correctly guesses the Reader’s identity. The Reader receives 1 point (moves forward one space) for every number that is covered with a chip. The Guesser receives 1 point for each unused chip.
Winning the Game:
The first player to reach Finish wins the game. Players need not land exactly on Finish to win.