Publisher: Whitehall Games, Inc.
20 Question style cards based on world geography, including a window-board with the numbers 1-20, to keep track of guesses. Reader chooses a random card, reads the category ("I am a land region," for example), and players take turns choosing a number. Reader reads the clue corresponding to that number (in this example, clue number 13 is: "The name the Indians gave me means "'Ground Afire'"), and that player takes a single guess at the answer. If wrong, play progresses to next player (if multiple players). If correct, the player wins points equal to 20-the number of clues required to guess the answer. Play continues until one player or team reaches 50, or some other predetermined point total. Alternatively, a set number of cards or a time limit can be set, and highest points wins.
Target areas range from very obvious (Pacific Ocean) to slightly obscure (Denali National Park).