18xx on 10 hexes.
18Svea is one of the smallest and fastest 18XX games around with less than two hours playtime taking place on a map with only ten hexes in total. Designed for two or three players.
The players are railroad entrepreneurs who foresee an opportunity to make money by establishing and running railroad companies developing a railroad network centered around the middle part of Sweden from 1850 and onwards. The game contains five fictional train companies based in different Swedish cities on the map.
A game of 18Svea follows a fixed set of rounds. Four Stock Rounds (SR) when players manage their private shareholder investments in available train companies mixed with seven Operations Rounds (OR) when train companies expand their rail network, establish train stations, run trains, and generate money to its shareholders. The game also contains eight strategy cards which ensures that every game will be different. When the game ends, the player with highest combined wealth in money and company shares wins the game.
18Svea is heavily inspired by the fantastic 18XX train games originally developed or inspired by Francis Tresham and do not normally involve dice rolling or other random events during play. Apart from shuffling the deck of strategy cards and potentially rolling one die once when determining the placement of an off-board connection, players must rely on their own ability to outwit and outmaneuver each other while playing. In 18Svea the luck factor is small, and the player interaction factor is very high already from round one.