
10 Gallon Tank (2020)

As a hobby aquarist, split and draft the best groups of fish for your aquarium.

Rank: 10701
2-5 Players
15-20 Min
Age: 8+
Complexity: 1.00/5

Designer: David Smith

Artist: Alex Pushkarev

Publisher: Granna, Winsmith Games

As a hobby aquarist, split and draft the best groups of fish for the most aesthetically pleasing aquarium. Meet the Aquarium Goal for bonus points and maybe snag the rare treasure chest.

10 Gallon Tank is played over a number of rounds based on the number of players. Each round consists of three phases: Set Up the School of Fish, Split School into Groups, and Take a Group for Your Aquarium. After all three phases, the round is over. If it isn’t the final round, the start player rotates clockwise for the next round. After the preset number of rounds, scoring occurs and the player with the most points after factoring Aquarium goals is the winner!

—description from the publisher

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