
You've Been Sentenced! Country Music Edition (2012)

Rank: --
3-10 Players
30 Min
Age: 8+
Complexity: 0.00/5

Additional 80 cards for the game You've Been Sentenced! with Country music theme.

This sentence-building game uses unique five-sided cards with multiple conjugations of a base word. With a hand of 10 cards, players try to score the most points per round by constructing the longest, grammatically correct, and sensible sentence. Each card used in a sentence is worth 5 points, but using some of the more difficult conjugations on the card can earn you bonus points. Any player can object to another players sentence, on either grammatical grounds, or the fact that the sentence just doesn’t make sense. The defending player and the objecting player get to argue their points to the rest of the players, who form a jury. The jury gets to vote on whether or not the sentence is acceptable. Half the fun is trying to defend, explain, and justify a completely ridiculous sentence to the other players. Accepted sentences score points, rejected sentences get you zip. First player to reach 200 points wins.

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