
Witty Chronos (2011)

Rank: 18706
3-5 Players
30 Min
Age: 8+
Complexity: 1.83/5

Designer: Guillaume Aubrun

Artist: Alex A.

Publisher: Witty Editions

The player who first accumulates 100 points wins the game.

Each player has two hourglasses of thirty seconds.
Cards shown a value from 10 to 50 or a special power.
Cards are shuffled and placed in the center of the table into several piles of cards, face up.

Houglasses are used to win cards. When a player places a hourglass on a card, he returns it to make it flow.
Hourglasses can only be moved when they are emptied.
When a player moves its hourglass (to another card), he wins the card on which he was, provided there was no other hourglasses on it.

Players don't have to move their empty hourglasses, so they can block opponents.

Some cards have special powers like "game ends now", "Cards exchange" or "remove an hourglass" that can change the game.

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