
Who Knows Where?

Rank: 15787
2-4 Players
0 Min
Age: 12+
Complexity: 1.50/5

Who Knows Where? is the award winning global location guessing game in which you race opponents to be the first player to travel around the world by locating famous places on the world map. With over 1000 locations to guess in 5 categories, including capitals, major cities and towns, events and facts, famous tourist sites and beautiful images of many iconic landmarks it’s a great fun way to learn about our world.

If you can’t guess you can think about “Who Knows Where” and piggy back on one of your opponent’s guesses, but choose wisely because if they are wrong you will be the one going backwards! Flexible rules to make easier or harder and an eye catching double sided board. With a great combination of knowledge, tactics and luck all players can win.

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