
Wer war's?: Löst das Rätsel von Schräghausen! (2010)

Rank: 17312
2-4 Players
45 Min
Age: 7+
Complexity: 1.20/5

Designer: Reiner Knizia

Artist: Janos Jantner, Joachim Krause

Publisher: Ravensburger

In Wer war's? Löst das Rätsel von Schräghausen!, a sequel to the Spiel des Jahres-winning children's game Wer war's? by Reiner Knizia, an electronic device is once again added to the board game. Players are co-operating against an evil goblin who has caused chaos by making everyone forget everything: Farm animals no longer know who their master is, and people have forgotten where they live. The actions on the board are guided by talking radio, and the Fairy Godmother helps the players.

Nine children of different colors are randomly distributed in the nine houses and they should find their way to their real home - if they knew where they belong! The mystery must be solved in order to make everything work again. Bronco the dog, Rocky the parrot, Schorsch the turtle and Susi the cat must work together. If you get hold of the right key, then you can help the yellow kid regain his memories and get home, after which you'll hear from the radio an enthusiastic child's voice: "Yes, this is my house, thank you for helping me! Now I remember again!" The friendly female narrator's voice adds: "Well done..." – and sends a warning afterwards: "Beware, the goblin is coming!"

The goblin is nasty: It makes all the intersections turn. Where there was a way before is now blocked. Fortunately, there's also a good fairy who helps!

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