
Weird Things Humans Search For (2018)

Laugh at yourself and your fellow humans as you see these common search patterns.

Rank: 21129
2-20 Players
20-30 Min
Age: 14+
Complexity: 1.00/5

Designer: (Uncredited)

Publisher: Big Potato, Randolph

Ever wondered what a strange place the internet can be? Well now there's a game to prove it. In Weird Things Humans Search For, your job is to predict the most popular endings to Google search questions. Examples include "Why can't I… own a Canadian" and "My cat wants… to kill me".

You get two guesses, which you must rank. The more popular your guess turns out to be, the more points you'll win, with a bonus if your top guess is also the top result. After five rounds, points are tallied to determine a winner.

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