
Warsaw Rising: Revolt of the Polish Underground, 1944 (1986)

Two scenarios portraying the Polish resistance in World War II Warsaw, 1944.

Rank: 15598
2 Players
300 Min
Age: 12+
Complexity: 3.27/5

Designer: John Prados

Artist: Kevin Zucker

Publisher: TSR

This game is a simulation of the Polish resistance in Warsaw during 1944. The game was originally published in Strategy & Tactics magazine (#107).

The game includes a 16 page rulebook (covering all aspects of guerrila warfare and resistance combat), 200 counters (representing the units and weapons involved in the conflict) and a 22"X34" map of the City of Warsaw.

Two scenarios are provided: Warsaw Rises! (August 1944 - 4 turns) and The German Juggernaut (September, 1944 - 5 turns). Victory is based on capturing or assaulting various buildings in the city, eliminating enemy units, and (for the German player) maintaining a supply line through Warsaw. Points may also be spent during the game for additional reinforcements. The player with the most victory points at the end of the scenario, wins.


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