
Wabbit Wampage (1985)

Wambo Wabbit goes on a wampage against rabbit-hating Farmer Brown!

Rank: 10867
2-4 Players
120 Min
Age: 12+
Complexity: 2.05/5

Designer: Mark Acres

Publisher: Pacesetter

One player is Farmer Brown, others play Wabbits. All players battle for points: plowing fields in Spring (even the Wabbits!), stockpiling carrots in Summer, whomping enemies in Fall, and destroying buildings in Winter. Think Elmer Fudd and Bugs Bunny fighting over the operation of a farm. Just like in the cartoons, players can mail away for items to help them in squashing the other players.

Followed by:
Wabbit's Wevenge


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