
Zumos: On the Rocks (2020)

Players try to make the best juices using combinations of fruits.

Hạng: 12050
1-6 Người chơi
15-25 Phút
Tuổi: 6+
Độ khó: 1.00/5

In Zumos: On the Rocks you assume the role of a Juice Master trying to make the best ones to make people happy. Your main goal is to do the highest amount on Juices, using the best combination of fruits and complements to make them unbeatable.

Zumos: On the Rocks is a hand-management, draft and pattern building game, where players try to create juices by combining the fruits that the play from their hand. Each player will have to make his own puzzle to maximize the amount of points of each of the juices that he do. You always give your card to the player in your right, but when you let him to do good Juices he will punish you.

Will you let him a good card just to take the one that you need? Or instead you will take a worse card just to prevent him on punishing you...?

These, and a lot more, in each game of Zumos: On the Rocks!

Zumos: On the Rocks is a new edition of the game Juices. There are some main changes, like there are no longer cards and, instead, there are tiles. There are some changes like the amount of bonus, the number of players and a solo mode.

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