
Youtopia: The world of imagination (2015)

Hạng: 19960
3-8 Người chơi
20 Phút
Tuổi: 6+
Độ khó: 1.00/5

Tác Giả: Francesco Marcantonini

Nhà Phát Hành: CosplaYou

Youtopia is a fantastic world where using your creativity and imagination you have to solve missions narrating a tale completely created by yourself.

Each player chooses a planet card and pick 6 card out of the item cards. In the first round the older player will be the master.In the following rounds the player who has won the last quest shall be the master.The master picks a card out of the mission cards deck and reads it to the other players. The master cannot try to solve that quest, he has just the role of moderator,anyway, he can try to hinder the other players with his cards.
From when the missioni s read, the player at the mster’left has 20 seconds to being is own tale. When a player end his tale , the next player at his left has 5 second to begin his tale.

You shall build your own tale playing your item cards (min 2, max 6), place them once a time uncovered in front of you and tell the piece of the story concerning that specific item. Players can use their cards to hinder the narrator's tale at every moment, but the narrator can rebut, in is turn, with further cards. When the last player has finished to tell his story, a winner must be declared. The player who receives most consensus wins the mission and gains 1 point. If players are not able to choose a clean winner, the master shall proceed to do it. The winner shall discard the un-played cards and will receive a further point for each of them.All players pick out from the item cards deck as many card as they need in order to have 6 cards again in their hands.
The player who first obtains 10 points wins the game.

Special moves.
When you tell the story, you can decide to keep just one of your played cards covered and you can pretend that the hidden item is something else, but if a player doesn't believe in the contend of the hidden card, he can ask to check it. If he find out that you were cheating, he will gain 1 point and you will lose the quest, if the item is really what you declared, you will earn 1 point and the other player shall not ask to check your hidden card anymore.

In your planet card there are two icons, representing two kinds of item cards, if you play two item cards matching with the planet cards icons in a single story, you will earn 1 point. You can do it only during your turn, but not in the first round.

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