
World of Warcraft Unshackled: An Escape Room Box (2021)

Warcraft heroes team up to find clues and solve puzzles - in an attempt to escape!

Hạng: --
3-6 Người chơi
60-75 Phút
Tuổi: 14+
Độ khó: 2.00/5

Will you escape the dangers of Azeroth? You have 60 minutes to break free of the chains that bind and the evils that threaten the World of Warcraft®! Play as honorable members of the Horde and the Alliance and overcome obstacles before time runs out! Stop the spread of Professor Putricide’s plague of undeath in his bizarre laboratory, dodge devilsaurs in Un’Goro Crater, and restore order to Karazhan before the tower collapses! Featuring three different scenarios with three difficulty levels: easy, medium, and challenging. Will you be unshackled? Or will time seal your fate?

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