
Word on the Street Junior (2010)

Spell words to win multiple simultaneous tug-of-wars.

Hạng: 7051
2-8 Người chơi
30 Phút
Tuổi: 8+
Độ khó: 1.14/5

Word on the Street Junior uses the same game play as 2009’s Word on the Street: Players are presented with a category, choose a word that fits that category, then move the letters in that word toward their side of the street. If a player or team moves eight letters off their side of the board, they win the game. Word on the Street Junior differs from its parent in that it includes categories appropriate for younger players (ages 8 and up instead of 12 and up) and the complete alphabet instead of only 17 letters. Including the vowels will likely make the game easier for younger players as they won’t have to strain to think of words with little used consonants.

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