
Word on the Street (2009)

Give answers that allow you to drag the most letters to your side of the street!

Hạng: 2115
2-10 Người chơi
20 Phút
Tuổi: 12+
Độ khó: 1.37/5

In Word on the Street, players – either individually or in teams – try to claim letter tiles from the game board.

To set up the game, seventeen letter tiles (all the consonants in English other than j, q, x, and z) are placed in a strip down the center of the game board – the median strip of the street, if you will, which has two "traffic lanes" on either side of it. On a turn, one team is presented with a category such as "types of fruit" or "something a player is wearing", and that team has thirty seconds to come up with an answer in that category, then move the letters in that word toward their side of the game board. Any letters in the word that are not on the game board are skipped. If the answer were "pineapple", for example, the team would move P, N, P, P and L.

If a team moves a letter off the game board, it has claimed that letter and that tile will not move for the remainder of the game. The first team to claim eight letter tiles wins!

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