
Womb to Tomb

Hạng: --
2-4 Người chơi
-- Phút
Tuổi: 16+
Độ khó: --

Tác Giả: Mark Simpson (I)

Nhà Phát Hành: (Looking for a publisher)

The players will be able to identify factors, traits, and lifestyles which contribute to life longevity or early death. They will be able to state whether the trait or lifestyle has a negative or positive effect on life span.

The object of the game is to get two different types of cards for each of the seven suits. When this occurs the player calls rummy. A player cannot call rummy if the cards are duplicates or make contridictory statements within the suit. For example "A nondrinker card and a heavy drinker card"

Each player starts arbitarily with 70 years. Score is computed once someone rummies. When rummy occurs, the person getting rummy receives 15 extra years of life. Each player totals their plus and minus years and adjusts their life span. Play may only be one round dealt(highest score wins), or can be accumulative over several hands. First one to 120 years(current actual record) is the winner, or when someone runs out of years the highest person wins.

108 cards

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Sorry, we can’t still find where to play this game online. If you know, please email us via [email protected]

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