Fantasy wargame depicting conflict between armies of Sartar and the Lunar Empire.
Glorantha world based - "The game that started it all." It has been revamped and reissued as Dragon Pass. There are 9 scenarios designed for 1-3 players. Updates can be found published in Wyrm's Footnotes. A fantasy wargame about conflict between the armies of Sartar and the opposing Lunar Empire. 32-page rulebook and over 300 counters. It has a mono color map which was reissued in color for DP. Playable size - 22" x 34" map. It has been quoted as "A very playable game, once you start to grasp the unique abilities of many of the units and learn to use them wisely. Contents include: Heroes, Exotics and Independents"
Nomad Gods is a 2nd game set in the same fantasy world, in a land just of the east of the map.