
Whistling Death (2003)

Hạng: 4644
1-4 Người chơi
240 Phút
Tuổi: 14+
Độ khó: 4.34/5

Tác Giả: J. D. Webster

Họa Sĩ: Terry Leeds, Steve Pancrazio

Nhà Phát Hành: Clash of Arms Games

Whistling Death is the third game in J D Webster's WWII Fighting Wings series, developing the earlier Over the Reich and Achtung Spitfire games. Containing 110 scenarios ranging from flight training (3), introductory air combat (5), air-to air combat (58), air-to-ground (4), air-naval (32), and mission level (8).
It features 40 distinctive aircraft and numerous ship types. The only facet of the war in the Pacific missing from this game is ground support.

  • 420 aircraft counters (1/2 inch square)
  • 140 ship counters (1/2 x 1 inch)
  • 60 ship counters (3/4 x 2 inch) which must be cut-out by the player
  • 1 map
  • Rule book
  • Scenario book
  • Aircraft/ship data cards
  • Player aids
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