
WaveLength (2001)

Hạng: --
3-8 Người chơi
60 Phút
Tuổi: 0+
Độ khó: 1.00/5

Tác Giả: T. Hostetler, R. Hostetler

Nhà Phát Hành: WaveLength Games, LLC

WaveLength is a game where you predict how friends and family will respond to common questions about people, entertainment, sports and everyday items.

WaveLength questions have many possible answers! Each game card contains 4 of the most popular and 3 lesser known wild card answers.

Only the card holder knows the answers on the card. It's up to the card holder to select the answer that’s most likely to be chosen by the other players. But players must choose shrewdly because the more uncommon the answer, the higher the point value.

The Objective is to be the first player to reach 100 points; card holder and players receive points for matching the card holder’s answer. All-match bonuses and blind doubles make the gameplay even more exciting.

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