
Viscounts of the West Kingdom: Keeper of Keys (2022)

Grab the keys, seize the kingdom! - or not, it's totally up to you.

Hạng: --
1-4 Người chơi
60-90 Phút
Tuổi: 12+
Độ khó: 3.70/5

In Viscounts of the West Kingdom: Keeper of Keys, tensions continue to rise in the King’s court. Some choose to plot in secret, forging alliances with like-minded officials. Others seek out treasures and secrets hidden deep within the castle walls. Will you remain loyal to the very end, or take your future into your own hands?

This expansion introduces 3 public Buildings for players to compete over, thick Player Boards, and the new Chest Tiles. Along with more Townsfolk, Heroes and Manuscripts Tiles, there are also 3 replacement starting Townsfolk for each player. These grant ways to gain the new Chest Tiles or to recruit more Heroes.

—description from the publisher

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