
Vegetable Stock (2019)

Grow the vegetables, manipulate the market and make a fortune!

Hạng: 3069
2-6 Người chơi
15-20 Phút
Tuổi: 6+
Độ khó: 1.07/5

Grow the vegetables, raise the sale price, and make a fortune!

Vegetable Stock, which debuted as Small Farmer, is a simple card game about vegetable economics. Each round, reveal one more card than the number of players on the table. Each card has three vegetable icons on it, with vegetables coming in five types. Players take turns choosing one of the cards and placing it in their harvest pile face down. The price of the vegetable(s) on the card not chosen goes up — but if the price goes too high, it crashes, although it can rise again next round.

After six rounds, determine your score by multiplying the number of each vegetable you have harvested by the final price of that vegetable. The player with the highest score wins!

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