
Una Questione di Voto (2020)

The challenge in the challenge of Italian politics.

Hạng: 22096
2-4 Người chơi
90-120 Phút
Tuổi: 14+
Độ khó: 2.17/5

Tác Giả: Riccardo Bertone

Nhà Phát Hành: Tambù

In this game the players (2/4) represent the Italian political alignments. They will compete in a election campaign to became the winner of the election day and go to rule the country.

The game is divided in two parts, the first part with the election campaign and the second part with 5 years (turns) of government life.

Every alignments have 1.000.000 euro (53 coin tokens in different coined cuts) to spend in the election campaign between the 20 Italian regions. Closed the first part with the established roles (government and opposition),it starts the second part, government life.

There are 5 turns, every turn has 4 stages, economic government maneuver,government life, year-end balance sheet and reset, except the first turn that has 1 extra stage (government agenda). During the second stage, the players will play a total of 12 event cards, one for every month and 4 decree laws will vote at the senate. The goal for the Government is to conclude the legislative mandate, the goal for the opposition is to bring down the government before the legislative mandate let it be concluded.

-description from designer

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