
Turtle Race Mini (2019)

Players discretely try to get their turtle first to the finish line.

Hạng: 12292
2-5 Người chơi
15 Phút
Tuổi: 5+
Độ khó: 1.17/5

Tác Giả: Reiner Knizia

Họa Sĩ: Rob McClurkan, Rolf Vogt

Nhà Phát Hành: Egmont Polska, Kanga Games

In Turtle Race Mini, players race turtles to be the first to the finish line.

Arrange all turtle tiles in a row. Each player gets a secret color (black is neutral so it does not get assigned) and 5 movement cards (no lettuce cards, also included in the deck).

Play one card and perform the action, then redraw. Motion cards let you move the given (color or wild) turtle 1 to 3 steps forward or back. Moving means you place your turtles above other turtles and possibly move whole stacks(turtles on top of turtles are also moved). Do not move further than the front or end of the row. Shaking cards let you drop all turtles from the back of the selected turtle (place them behind the turtle). Lettuce cards are placed in front of the turtles. Game ends as soon as the third lettuce appears on the table. The player whose turtle is in the lead (or on the bottom of the stack if tied) wins.

In the advanced game variant, the first two turtles are taken out of the race and the remaining ones take part in the next race. You separate the turtles in the stacks by placing them in a row behind the turtle at the bottom in the same order as they were in the stack, with the lower ones first. The advanced game ends as soon as two turtles of the same color have finished the race.

Part of the "backpack games" series from Egmont Polska. This is a card game version of Pędzące żółwie, which is the Polish version of Ribbit.

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