
Toktong Pass: Escape from Chosin (2006)

Hạng: --
2 Người chơi
0 Phút
Tuổi: 12+
Độ khó: 3.33/5

Tác Giả: Ray Tapio, Larry Winslow

Nhà Phát Hành: Critical Hit, Inc.

From the publisher's website:

TOKTONG PASS—ESCAPE FROM CHOSIN is a detailed new ATS system game that tells the story of the Korean War from the perspective of the men of the 1st Marine Division, retreating from the Chosin Reservoir in the face of a massive onslaught by Chinese Communist troops. The Marines knew there was only one way out from Chosin, and that was to fight their way out, outnumbered and amidst some of the most hostile terrain on earth—harsh, hilly and frozen. The Marines could only bring their superior elan and small arms to bear against an enemy determined to annihilate every American soldier north of the 38th Parallel. Frostbite was an indiscriminate enemy while every hilltop captured by the Chinese had to be re-taken, every breach in the Marine perimeter repaired by force, without delay.

TOKTONG PASS—ESCAPE FROM CHOSIN delivers unheralded action and suspense at the scale and level of detail true tactical-level enthusiasts demand—individual squads, weapons and tanks. All the subtle nuances of small unit actions are provided by the acclaimed ATS system: gun duels; separate pivoting turrets; AFV indirect fire; coaxial machine-guns; melee; smoke; armor penetration; morale; AFV overruns; and much more. And it is all accomplished using a detailed yet intuitive system that models tanks using discrete armor values at turret, superstructure, lower hull and track aspects and front, side and rear facings. The ATS system provides for the realistic use of High Explosive and Armor Piercing ammunition. All this without the need for side notes or plotting moves and in a solitaire-friendly presentation.

BEGIN PLAY ALMOST IMMEDIATELY using the provided BASIC GAME RULES and TRAINING MAPSHEET that take moments to read and allows you to get your units down on the game map within minutes.


* A complete collection of color die-cut counters in 1/2”, 5/8” and 3/4” sizes, representing the tanks, guns, and infantry that fought in the Korean War.
providing the tanks, guns, and men that fought in the battle depicted;
* A two part game box
* A colorful and accurate game map on heavyweight stock.
* The latest edition of the ATS rules of play;
* Scenarios and Play Aids printed on separate heavyweight cards;
* Two ten-sided dice.

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