
Till Dawn (2014)

Head out on the hunt! Don't stay out too long or you'll get caught out in the sun.

Hạng: 7965
4-8 Người chơi
30 Phút
Tuổi: 8+
Độ khó: 1.45/5

Don't get caught in the sun!

Till Dawn, a 20–30-minute game for 4-8 vampires (or 12, with the expansion), takes place over the course of three nights during which time all self respecting vampires leave their coffins to hunt. A deck of hunt cards is passed from vampire to vampire, each taking one card, reading it aloud, then passing the rest on. If a feeding card is drawn, all vampires gain blood tokens — but the deck is also loaded with events, vampire slayers, a vicious werewolf, invitations from the elders, and the creeping threat of sunrise. Feeling lucky? At any time during a hunt, a vampire may return to his coffin to protect his precious blood tokens. Return to your coffin too early, though, and you may miss all the fun. Then again, centuries of hunting should have taught you the folly of pushing your luck too far...

Till Dawn comes in a coffin-shaped box with approximately 120 cards, more than one hundred tokens, eight character cards, and a "night advancement" track. (An additional pack of four characters will be available to expand your game to 12 players.)

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