
The Way of the Bear (2018)

Hạng: 8513
2-4 Người chơi
25-35 Phút
Tuổi: 8+
Độ khó: 1.33/5

Long long time ago, before age of human, there were four bear clans who help the king to reign over Northeast Asia. The time has come for the king to decide who will be the heir to the throne. The clans send their princes to the world to acquire all the qualifications to be the next king. They travel from town to town and build sacred bear statues; they inherit knowledge of religion, education, military, and commerce in return. The new journey is about to begin. Who will succeed to the throne?
—description from the publisher

Summary of Game Play
1. Place the bear steles to acquire a knowledge token.
2. Pay the equivalent in number and color to the temples.
3. If a player has completed to collect tokens, the game ends.

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