
The Umbrella Academy Game (2020)

A fun and exciting card game set in the world of the Umbrella Academy

Hạng: 23131
1-6 Người chơi
20-40 Phút
Tuổi: 12+
Độ khó: 1.00/5

Tác Giả: Scott Dean

Họa Sĩ: Gabriel Bá, Ryan Noonan

Nhà Phát Hành: Studio71

The Umbrella Academy Game brings the captivating world that Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá created to your tabletop and lets you play as the seven siblings who possess unusual powers in a fun and exciting card game.

In the game, each player picks their favorite family member to act as their hero card, then places a life card underneath it. Each player gets five hero attack cards. Shuffle the villain cards and place them in the middle of the play area. Put the deck of villain attack cards and the deck of dysfunctional family cards next to the villain cards. Put the final battle cards to the side.

The first player takes the turn marker card and turns over the top dysfunctional family card, which affects this round of the game. Lay out the number of villain attack cards as shown on the first villain card. Now each player takes their turn, beginning with the player with the marker card. Players pick a card from their hand to attack a villain, heal their hero, or put a hero story card into effect. Once all the villain attack cards have a hero attack card played under them, players can use their hero's special ability.

Gameplay proceeds until all the villains have been defeated (or no family members are alive). Then it's time for the final battle. The defeated villains come back to life and players attack!

There are updated rules available at http://umbrellaacademygame.com

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