
The Sherlock Files: Vol IV – Fatal Frontiers (2021)

Deep, interesting mysteries to solve with cooperative play for up to 8 players.

Hạng: --
1-8 Người chơi
60 Phút
Tuổi: 0+
Độ khó: 1.00/5

Are you a modern mastermind detective?

The Sherlock Files: Final Frontiers includes three new confounding cases for you to solve - all taking place in Tornado Town, a place full of quarrels, cowboys, and cahoots.

First, you will delve into the sordid history of a mine rumored to be cursed. Next, you will unearth the truth of who has been desecrating graves in the Tornado Town cemetery. Finally, you will investigate a fatal duel that killed both participants at sunrise.

Decipher clues to determine which are relevant to the case and which are not. Share what you deem relevant with your detective partners. Which theories will you chase?

How will you fare compared to the world’s greatest detective? Work together to solve each case and find out!

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